Hinter “M” steht der britische Sänger/Musiker/Künstler Robin Scott (geb. 1947 in Croydon, London). Ende der Sechziger lernt Robin Scott den späteren Sex-Pistols-Manager Malcolm McLaren am Croyden Art College in London kennen, ihre Liebe zur Musik lässt sie schnell Freundschaft schließen.

Während sich Malcolm mit seiner Freundin, der modeverrückten Lehrerin Vivienne Westwood und ihrer Boutique selbstständig macht, tingelt Robin als recht erfolgloser Folksänger durch Londoner Pubs und veröffentlichte unter dem Titel „Woman from the Green Grass“ sein erstes Album.
Hier begegnet er auch oft David Bowie, der ähnlich wie er bis dato recht erfolglos war, bis Bowie, wie wir alle wissen, ein Weltstar wurde. Robin Scott spielt regelmäßig in Bowies Begleitband und gründet damals sein eigenes Plattenlabel und produziert eine ganze Reihe von Bands, darunter Roogalator und Adam and the Ants und dreht in Paris mit dem britischen Regisseur Julian Temple ein Portrait über THE SLITS.
Ende der 70-iger Jahre landete er mit seinem in Paris geschriebenen Song „Pop Muzik“ unter dem Namen „M“ einen WELT – Single – HIT (in 14 Ländern auf Platz 1 u.a. USA, Japan, Deutschland, UK etc. mit circa 8 Millionen verkauften Singles). Der Song war einer der ersten kommerziell erfolgreichen New-Wave-/Elektropop-Produktionen und erinnerte an Dada Pop ala Kraftwerk und Devo.
Für die Maxi-Version seines Nr. 1 Hits „Pop Muzik“ ließ sich M-Macher Robin Scott etwas völlig ungewöhnliches einfallen: Auf der B-Seite sind „Pop Muzik“ und „M Factor“ übereinander gepresst. Wenn man also die B-Seite auflegt, weiß man nicht, welches Stück man zu hören bekommt…. Auf der 12″ Maxi befinden sich auf der ersten Plattenseite 2 Songs parallel nebeneinander.
Ein Remix von Pop Muzik erreichte 1989 noch einmal die Top 20 der britischen Charts. 1997 verwendeten U2 während ihrer Popmart-Tour „Pop Muzik“ als Intro.

In “ Die Ultimative Chartshow-Disco Classics” von RTL mit Oliver Geissen” landete POP MUZIK von M in der ewigen Hitliste auf Platz 10 !!!
In der 30-jährigen Geschichte von POP MUZIK hat es neben einer U2-Coverversion auch diverse Remixe von Steve Osbourne, Junior Vasquez, Dub Pistols sowie vielen anderen gegeben.
2009 ist das Jahr des Jubiläums und ECHO BEACH hat diverse Remixer beauftragt, neue, zeitgenössische Versionen zu produzieren.
12 erstklassige Remixe sind entstanden von DEVO aus den USA, Todd Terje aus Oslo/Norwegen, Stefan Obermaier und Karl Moestl aus Wien, ITB und Paralyzer aus Hamburg, Frost und Wagner und die Torpedo Boys aus Berlin, Riddim Wize aus Frankfurt und Dub Spencer & Trance Hill aus Zürich…, selbst Stachy (ex Fischmob) lässt sich nicht beirren und veredelt diesen Disco Klassiker.
Herausgekommen sind z. T. sehr eigenwillige Interpretationen in dem Umfeld “Cosmic – Disco”, “Dub”, “Reggae”, “Speed Pop”, Minimal Techno, Electric und Elektro-Tech-House.
M – POP Muzik „30th Anniversary Remixes“ TRACKLISTING:
1. Pop Muzik – PARALYZER Remix (12” Version) 5:26
2. Pop Muzik – DEVO Remix (12” Version) 5:09
3. Pop Muzik – STEFAN OBERMAIER Remix (12” Version) 7:54
4. Pop Muzik – INTERNATIONALLY TRAINED BUNNIES Remix (12” Version) 6:22
5. Pop Muzik – TODD TERJE Remix (12” Version) 9:52
6. Pop Muzik – SALZ Remix (12” Version) 6:53
7. Pop Muzik – STACHY AKA STACY G (12” Version) 6:35
8. Pop Muzik – KARL MOESTL Remix (12” Version) 7:12
9. Pop Muzik – DUB SPENCER & TRANCE HILL Remix 6:11
10. Pop Muzik – FROST & WAGNER Remix 4:09
11. Pop Muzik – RIDDIM WIZE Remix 3:37
12. Pop Muzik – TORPEDO BOYS Remix (12” Version) 4:50
13. Pop Muzik – PARALYZER 7” Remix 7”
M – POP Muzik „30th Anniversary Remixes“ TRACK BY TRACK:
1. Pop Muzik – PARALYZER Remix (12” Version) 5:26
PARALYZER aka ARN SCHLÜRMANN is a Hamburg based producer and well-known remix artist (Residents, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Queen to name a few).His remix is quite close to the original and is transporting the track into 2009
2. Pop Muzik – DEVO Remix (12” Version) 5:09
Are we not Men? We are Devo! Devo from Ohio/USA have been totally keen in doing a remix and their performance and remix skills are doing well.
3. Pop Muzik – STEFAN OBERMAIER Remix (12” Version) 7:54
Stefan Obermaier is based in Vienna and is part of the Vienna Scientist circle. „I am still really inspired by the feeling of downbeat and dub that manifested itself a decade ago in this country really. Nevertheless, these are different times and I am not looking backwards. So I try to go deeper and further, that way, I can give the music a lot more of myself…“- and so, Stefan found his very own sound before he even knew. With tight remix productions for the Greek Timewarp Inc. label („The Obsession Bug“) and Cologne based reggae cohort Razoof („Spirituality“, released on the De-Phazz driven imprint Phazz-a-delic), Stefan showcased his remarkable abilities on an international level throughout the last months and outlined a unique vision in sound, easily fusing comfortable home listening pleasures and uplifting dancefloor vibrations.. www.myspace.com/stefanobermaier
4. Pop Muzik – INTERNATIONALLY TRAINED BUNNIES Remix (12” Version) 6:22
Internationally Trained Bunnies aka Pete Rivera & Felix Wenzel are from Hamburg and describe there skills as Funk, Soul und House – so you know what kind of pop muzik you get: www.myspace.com/internationallytb
5. Pop Muzik – TODD TERJE Remix (12” Version) 9:52
TODD TERJE from Oslo/Norway is one of the leading “Cosmic Disco” DJ´s and remixers of nowadays. He released tracks on Eskimo Rec., Playhouse, Hed Kandi, Fabric, Kitsune, Ministry of Sound and on other well reputated labels. Especially his remix of Jose Gonzalez created waves recently… www.myspace.com/toddterjemusic
6. Pop Muzik – SALZ Remix (12” Version) 6:53
SALZ were founded 1997 by Emanuel Geller, Axel Erbstoesser and Sebastian Becky in Cologne and they remixed Thomas Dolby, Solar Moon, Razoof and Swayzak just to name a few. SALZ are described as „high recommended dub tech-house with slight Basic Channel influence and a great 80’s appeal“.
7. Pop Muzik – STACHY AKA STACY G (12” Version) 6:35
Stachy aka Stacy G is a very advanced and groovy electronic producer and remixer who got famous as part of the German HipHopsters Fischmob beside his partner DJ Koze. His warm and spherical, clicking, shuffling and pulsating remix is perfect and destined for the more advanced dancefloor. He remixed Hildegard Knef, Pierre Henry and Phono amongst others
8. Pop Muzik – KARL MOESTL Remix (12” Version) 7:12
”I am a dirty electric fusion”… is Karl’s credo in producing music and his DJ- and live performances. KARL MOESTL who is very well-known as the producer of the successful electronic-duo ‚ WALKNER.MÖSTL and one of the outstanding artists on g-stone (the Kruder & Dorfmeister label) has made his own way in life after some outstanding productions and remixes for:, Tosca, Senor Torpedo, Hot Pants Road Club, Trio Electrico, Vienna Scientists, Eric Fischer, DeepdiveCorp Wolfgang Muthspiel, and Cafe Drechsler…” His Pop Muzik remix is a Tech – House floor filler.
9. Pop Muzik – DUB SPENCER & TRANCE HILL Remix 6:11
The Swiss Dub Space combo DUB SPENCER & TRANCE HILL from Zurich have created very high intense cover versions of Falco’s Jeanny and Metallica’s Enter Sandman. Now the have re-constructed POP MUZIK and they have created a dubby psychedelic reggae track…highly addictive. “
10. Pop Muzik – FROST & WAGNER Remix 4:09
The producers Oliver Frost (keyboards) and Adrian Wagner (drums) live in Berlin. They met in the reggae band “Growing tree” at the end of the 80s. In 2000 they started producing their own stuff, innovating and developing their reggae style music. Traces of other music genres like soul, jazz, hip hop, britpop have an impact on their music as well. Frost’s and Wagner’s productions are rich, with a strong emphasis on base sounds. Their music is pure and can by no means be reduced to reggae only. The have done productions for: G-Stone, Best Seven/Sonar Kollektiv, INFRACom!, Golden Delicious, Buback, Brownswood Recordings, as well as now the Pop Muzik remix with a heavy dubby flavour.
11. Pop Muzik – RIDDIM WIZE Remix 3:37
TRICKY CHRIS is well known as a producer for Elektrolux, Global Youth and Futuristic Dub Foundation. He was involved in remixes for Anne Clark, Shantel & Bucovina Club, Jammin Unit. His remix is a kind of ska orientated pop reggae uptempo version and a dance floor filler.
12. Pop Muzik – TORPEDO BOYz Remix (12” Version) 4.50
Berlin based producer Torpedo Boyz won 2008 the American independent award for their production “Cum On Feel The Boyz” (Best Dance/Electronic album). They are also well known as a DJ team around the globe! The German playboy wrote once: “Just the sort of jet set cool – we love” and that’s exactly the feeling we have about their POP MUZIK remix. www.myspace.com/torpedoboyz